Web ID: CBW6185




Local Location: NULL

Compensation: $60,0000 - $70,000

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Construction Management or similar preferred.

Job Description:

As Construction Site Manager your responsibilities will include:

Reporting to senior project managers as required.
Ensuring that requirements, by the client and senior management, are met.
Monitoring labor, building material, and equipment budgets and curbing unnecessary expenses.
Supervising on-site construction work and relaying instructions from senior project managers.
Reporting any concerns that might negatively impact projected cost and time estimates.
Procuring materials, labor, and equipment, as well as third-party subcontractors and suppliers.
Preparing work schedules and sequencing onsite tasks.Collaborating with other construction project stakeholders as required.
Ensuring that construction industry safety regulations are followed.

Job Requirements:

Bachelor’s Degree in construction management or similar preferred.
2-5 years’ experience in site management with construction projects.
Exceptional ability to monitor construction project budgets and deadlines.
Proficiency in recordkeeping and electronic project management systems.
Experience in relaying detailed instructions to onsite construction teams.
Advanced negotiation skills to procure cost-effective subcontractors and suppliers.
Ability to closely collaborate with other construction project stakeholders.
Extensive experience in a deadline-driven environment.
Knowledge of construction industry safety regulations.
Excellent communication skills.

To Apply: Complete the form below and upload your most current resume. You may also include a cover letter or an additional document.